




USAlliance Corporation shares your concerns about privacy. We do not disclose or sell our customer’s nonpublic personal information to anyone except as permitted or required by law. If a state’s law is more restrictive than Federal law, we do not follow that state’s privacy law when doing business in that state.

We collect personal information as part of our insurance business. Most of this comes from your application. We keep information about the products and services you purchase from us. We also collect personal information from outside sources, including consumer reporting agencies and health care providers. This information may include financial and medical information.

We protect your information in several ways. When nonaffiliated companies work for us, we make them agree to confidentiality. In addition, we train our employees to protect information and have established physical and electronic safeguards. Should your relationship with USAlliance Corporation end, your information will remain protected in accordance with our privacy practices.

You have the right to access and request correction of your nonpublic information as recorded by USAlliance Corporation. Any such request must be specific as to what information is being requested and should be directed in writing to USAlliance Marketing Corporation at our administrative office address:

USAlliance Corporation
1303 SW First American Place, Suite 200
Topeka, KS 66604

If you have any questions or would like more information, please write us. When you write us, please provide your complete name and address, the company, and policy number. If you wish us to stop sending you any further information regarding our customer relationship, please write us or call the toll-free number listed below. Our current privacy notice is available to you upon request.


Toll-Free # 866-953-4675